What Does It Mean to Sell with Integrity?

What does it mean to sell with Integrity? Most peo­ple think of in­tegrity along the lines of moral­i­ty but to me, and with its re­la­tion to #Sel­l­Like­Y­ou, it means a lot more than that. 

Last week, Ian Ko­ni­ak and I talked at length about the con­cept, but to­day I want to go deep­er into the idea of sell­ing and the feel­ing of be­ing whole.

Do you feel more whole when you win? 

Do you feel more whole when you help oth­er peo­ple? 

If not, then why not? 

This is where the align­ment I talk about comes into play. Are you aligned be­tween what you do, who you do it for, how you do it, and why?

That’s the recipe for in­tegrity, for feel­ing whole, and if you’re not in align­ment, you’re leav­ing your best work on the ta­ble. 

The mil­lion dol­lar ques­tion is, “how much of your in­tegrity are you giv­ing away, and why are you choos­ing to do so?” 

Share this episode and sub­scribe wher­ev­er you get your pod­casts, and don’t for get that the show is now on You­Tube as well. 

If you want to learn more about how I work with teams to put these con­cepts to work, check out my web­site at jeff­ba­jorek.­com/ser­vices


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