Sales Jeff Bajorek Sales Jeff Bajorek

Belief is a Sales Superpower

I don’t know of a top-performing salesperson who doesn’t have an abundance of belief; in themselves, their solution, or their company.

On the other hand, there are thousands of sales reps out there who are in dire need of it. I will say unequivocally that it’s the biggest single obstacle in the way of anybody who thinks they can perform better.

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Sales Process Jeff Bajorek Sales Process Jeff Bajorek

You're Qualifying Your Deals All Wrong

There are so many misconceptions about qualifying your opportunities. I get that if you chase every potential lead, you’re wasting a lot of time. You need to protect your time and reserve it for the most valuable activities, but the way you make sales is by having sales conversations. You're probably talking yourself out of a lot of those opportunities.

The more time you can speak to potential customers, the better you will be in tune with your marketplace. That expertise will absolutely translate into more sales. 

Here’s where I think most reps go wrong.

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Sales Process Jeff Bajorek Sales Process Jeff Bajorek

An Open Letter To My Younger Self

My first day in sales was August 12, 2004, so this past Friday marked my 18th anniversary. That sounds like a long time, except I can’t imagine doing anything else, so in that way it doesn’t feel like any time at all.

I’ve been asked a few times what I would tell a younger version of myself who is just getting into the field. So I decided to write him a letter.

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